New Feature: Updated CVIM Profiles

Chart We are working at Covestor on continuously improving the profiles of the Model Managers available for auto trading in a CVIM managed account. Today we put live a number of these elements which should make it easier for clients and prospective clients to find appropriate models, and understand what they are subscribing to.

The updates include:

  • Performance Charts: We are now charting the performance of the members who are managing models. You can select the period or zoom in by selecting the area on any chart to look at the detail
  • Cleaner summaries: THe investment strategies are tabbed to give a clearer sense of what the model is all about
  • Holdings and Trades : Logged in clients can view all of the back up data on the models available for subscription. This includes the history of trades, current holdings and all investment reports. Some of the managers have chosen not to share all of the trades and their current holdings and so on a few of the models this data will be hidden

We are shortly going to be adding some metrics for average monthly client performance (where available), i.e. the average performance the clients are achieving rather than the actual returns achieved by the manager of the model as currently displayed.

We will keep building out the profiles and providing more and more information on the models available. If there is anything you would like to see included do get in touch. Our client relations team are also available any time if you want to understand how to get set up as a client. Happy New Year all!