Bookmarks for May 16

Some good reading on oversized funds and some of the stock blogs we are reading at the moment:

  • Why fat funds need diets: Excellent Kiplinger article from May edition on why money piling into funds affects their performance
  • Remember what Buffet said about HF fees?: Warren buffets shareholder statement about the ‘grotesque’ size of Hedge Fund fees
  • Are your interests really aligned with your fund managers?: Fairly old MSNBC article but good warning to keep in mind
  • Three bloggers we are reading
    • Asif Surias’ great SINletter: Includes excellent model portfolio and Asifs disclosure of his true holdings (great stuff)
    • Yaser Anwars’ investment ideas: Always insightful and detailed – great analysis – we want to hear more about what he is doing with his own money…
    • Roger Ehrenbergs’ information arbitrage: Always insightful – well worth following